Starfrosch is sometimes temporary down, here you get the latest informations, what is going on.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

thank you hostpoint

hostpoint offered me to restore the files and ooops...a few minutes later everything works fine. thank you.

phpbb not = pnphpbb

today i noticed that the forum did no longer work. wondering why i took a close look and noticed that there are lots of modified files and a .htacces to prevent from the sanity worm.

it seems my provider did a automatic update of all phpbb on the server and also automaticaly updated my pnphpbb version (which is partly modified, and since december 04 patched against the sanity worm).

i notified my provider, that there are some differences between pnphpbb and phpbb and that i don't like automatic updates. tonight i will restore the old version and hopefully everything works fine again.

enjoy the trouble ticket

Monday, February 14, 2005


und gleich wieder rauf....das geht ja sekundenschnell. habt ihr das automatisiert?


hey, ozzy haste gesehen, unser provider hostpoint hat die datenbank schon wieder runtergefahren. suuuuper.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

jane fonda training

and up and down...and up and down and up again.

mysql back online

and the mysql database runs. this was very quick quys.

another mysql outage

nothing unusual...just come back a few minutes later. normaly our provider fixes this within 10 minutes. we'll see.

Kids go to bed, shut up and get to sleep

Some cute and bored script kids have made a layman and lame UDP attack on server 4 where our site is hosted. Hey, kids: "Go to bed and sleep now."

Good night, sleep thight, mind the bugs don't bite. If they bite, squeeze them tight and they won't bite another night.

Many thanks fly out to Hostpoint who localized the cause and resolved the issue.

Hostpoint's Statement.
"-> mySQL Überlastung durch UDP Attacke auf Server 4.

Heute Morgen wurde unser Server 4 durch eine UDP Attacke überlastet.
Dabei wurde eine extrem hohe Last generiert und dadurch wurde teilweise
der mySQL Service von diesem System überlastet und konnte die Anfragen
nicht mehr korrekt verarbeiten. Die MySQL Abfragen wurden sehr langsam
und die Performance litt darunter. Wir haben sämtliche Ursachen umgehend
geprüft und das Problem lokalisieren können.

Das Problem wurde nun durch unsere Technik behoben. Wir möchten uns in
aller Form für diesen Unterbruch entschuldigen. "

starfrosch is back, back again

Yes we're back, but I don't know why. Who cares? Up and running.

down, down, down

It seems, our provider knows the problem and is working. What a bloody sunday for all the hard working system engineers.

We all hate those messages:
DBI connect('mysql:localhost','root',...) failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket

starfrosch down?

You have been redirected to this page, because our provider Hostpoint has serious problems running the mysql database. The problems started two month ago and have now reached his high. I have no further informations from our provider, what they are doing or why the database is down. As soon i get some informations you will be informed here.

If you would like to send your thoughts to our provider, here is the trouble ticket system email address: